We know that the final appearance of your building is influenced by the fixing method you choose. Fixing is not simply a technical requirement but is vital to achieving your vision.
There are many types of fixings that can be used with our Rockpanel boards:
In collaboration with Rockpanel, Bostik has developed a fire safe European-certified adhesive fixing system. The system is compliant with the strict fire-safety rules of exterior cladding systems. With the bonding system used for Rockpanel 8 mm your boards can be applied safely, reaching a fire-class of B-s2,d0, onto a
or onto an
Follow the instructions provided by Bostik and Rockpanel ETA. If you prefer to use another adhesive system always verify with the system supplier whether this is technically approved and guaranteed for bonding Rockpanel boards. If using another bonding system, the adhesive supplier becomes responsible for certification and guarantee.
We manufacture board material mostly used in ventilated constructions, for facade cladding, roof detailing, soffits and fascias.